2025 Registration is now open!
National Police Week Honor Guard Tribute
May 14, 2025
9 am - approximately 4 pm
About the Event
The Steve Young National Honor Guard Exhibition & Tribute provides an opportunity for law enforcement organizations to perform ceremonious and patriotic tributes for public viewing. These teams are a highly dedicated group of law enforcement officers that represent organizations from all across this great nation and Canada. They converge on the Nation’s Capital every year for National Police Week, where peace officers are honored for their dedicated service to the protection of our communities. The day of May 15th is known as National Peace Officers’ Memorial Day, a day when the nation honors those officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice. This event is the tribute that these teams give to honor our fallen officers and their families.
The Steve Young National Honor Guard Exhibition & Tribute is named after past national President Steve Young.

Overview of the Honor Guard Event
1. Team Inspection Drill
The team leader shall present the team for judging at the Inspection Line. The team shall come to “Attention", then remain at attention until dismissed. When the Team Leader is satisfied that his team is ready, he shall take his position in front of the team and inform the judge that the team is ready for inspection. The Leader will then be inspected for neatness, cleanliness, and military bearing. The remaining team members will then be inspected for conformity to the leader’s uniform.
2. Color Guard
When the inspection portion for each team is completed, the flags will be brought to the flag bearer/s. Not all team members are required to Post Colors but all team members must participate. Judging begins in this event when the judge instructs the leader to begin. Each team will immediately begin the “Posting of the Colors.” Each team will post a minimum of two colors.
3. Exhibition Phase
This phase will consist of a performance that all team members must participate in. The performance must last no more than Eight (8) minutes and teams that go over the time limit will receive demerits however, teams using less than 8 minutes will not be penalized. The event time will begin once the team’s leader has his team assembled and gives an audible command to the judge that the team is ready.
2024 Honor Guard Rankings
1st Place
US Border Patrol
2nd Place
Washington State Patrol
3rd Place
Texas Department of Public Safety
Chief Judge Award
Chicago Police Department
2024 Pipe and Drum Rankings
1st Place
Combined CBP Pipes & Drums
2nd Place
Emergency Services Pipes & Drums (Austin, TX)
3rd Place
Fort Worth Police Pipes & Drums
Dress and Deportment Award
Combined CBP Pipes & Drums
Overview of the Pipe Band Event
Teams will provide a performance to honor those being remembered during National Police Week at our nation's capitol. They will provide a good-natured competition between public service pipe bands to increase camaraderie and encourage pipe bands to perform quality and appropriate music while honoring fallen law enforcement officers. These performances are a tribute to the fallen peace officers, their families and to those law enforcement officers across our nation that will stand vigilant in protecting our communities tonight and every night.
Photo Credit: Taylor Nielsen